[:ru]Британская The Financial Times опубликовала данные за первые 9 мес. 2017 года относительно бизнес-иммиграции из России по категории визы инвестора. Как свидетельствует статистика, в этом году визу инвестора получили 162 состоятельных россиянина, а в 2016 за этот же период – 96. Издание отмечает, что из-за высокой популярности быстрой бизнес-иммиграции по категории «Инвестор» среди состоятельных россиян и китайцев, Великобритания с 6 ноября 2014 года вдвое повысила необходимый объем инвестиций, дающий право на открытие визы этой категории.

Теперь это 2 млн. фунтов стерлингов, что составляет примерно 2,5 млн. евро. При этом условия для открытия бизнес-визы «Предприниматель» не были ужесточены.
Как известно, Великобритания уже длительное время испытывает проблемы с высоким притоком эмигрантов. В этом году были значительно усложнены правила рабочей иммиграции в эту страну, что вызвало даже критику со стороны многих стран ЕС, т.к. британское правительство усложнило миграцию со стороны восточных стран ЕС (Болгария, Румыния, Латвия). В тоже время бизнес-иммиграция не вызывает сильных протестов со стороны жителей Великобритании, т.к. дает значительные инвестиции в экономику и бизнесмены не создают социальных проблем.[:en]Investor visas have proved particularly popular with Russians and Chinese, but the British government is — for the first time in two decades — making them harder to obtain. New rules that came into force last month raised the minimum amount needed to £2m from £1m, and brought in restrictions on the nature of the investment. It is important to lure wealthy foreigners into the UK. Investing £2m is simply the first step they take. They also bring in massive tax contributions, some of them even set up successful businesses. Another important thing is that the money they spend is coming from outside the UK economy and is thus not derived from their gains in the UK.

The number of Russians who were granted investor visas this year has soared by 69 per cent, according to Home Office statistics. The visas gave foreigners from outside the EU a fast track to residence and citizenship in return for buying gilts worth £1m to £10m.
In the first nine months of 2017, 162 investor visas were granted to Russians, compared with 96 in the same period of 2016, the figures show. The whole of 2016 saw only 118 investor visas granted to Russians, according to the data, which were first reported by The Sunday Times
(sourse –The Financial Times)[:lt]Investor visas have proved particularly popular with Russians and Chinese, but the British government is — for the first time in two decades — making them harder to obtain. New rules that came into force last month raised the minimum amount needed to £2m from £1m, and brought in restrictions on the nature of the investment. It is important to lure wealthy foreigners into the UK. Investing £2m is simply the first step they take. They also bring in massive tax contributions, some of them even set up successful businesses. Another important thing is that the money they spend is coming from outside the UK economy and is thus not derived from their gains in the UK.

The number of Russians who were granted investor visas this year has soared by 69 per cent, according to Home Office statistics. The visas gave foreigners from outside the EU a fast track to residence and citizenship in return for buying gilts worth £1m to £10m.
In the first nine months of 2017, 162 investor visas were granted to Russians, compared with 96 in the same period of 2016, the figures show. The whole of 2016 saw only 118 investor visas granted to Russians, according to the data, which were first reported by The Sunday Times
(sourse –The Financial Times)[:]